The trustees of the funds will perform among others, the following duties and responsibilities:
To act as the custodian of the funds and safeguard the interest of the unit holders.
To exercise all due diligence and vigilance in carrying out its functions and duties in accordance with Deed, respective Authority Guidelines, and respective country's governing authority act.
To ensure that the Manager manage and administers the funds in accordance with the Deed, Authority Guidelines, Securities Act and law.
To ensure proper records are kept of all transactions, dividends, interest and income received and distributed in respect of the funds.
To ensure that the manager keeps the Trustee fully informed of the details of the manager's policies in investments and any changes thereof.
To ensure the accounts are audited at the end of each accrual period by the auditors and the Managers, on behalf of the Trustees forwards to the unit holders (at their last known registered address) a copy of the audited accounts within two months after the financial year end.